What’s new in actiPLANS

actiPLANS 2021

February 2021

Enhanced Reporting Functionality and Interface Updates

actiPLANS continues to improve and, this time, we’re ready to present an impressive list of reporting functionality updates:

  • The Leave Time & Balances Report has become available to regular users, and it provides them with a thorough picture of personal PTO balances and time off trends.
  • The Past Leaves Calendar now includes an option to review the comments attached to users’ leave requests.
  • Moreover, you can export the Past Leaves Calendar and the Balance History Report as a CSV file in addition to the long-time familiar PDF.

New Interface Design Elements

We’ve also made some minor but greatly enjoyable product design changes. The modernized Logo Settings will help you personalize your actiPLANS account with ease, while new navigation icons and hover-effect animations will make your overall experience with the tool much more satisfying.

New navigation design aP