What’s new in actiPLANS

actiPLANS 2017

April 2017

Automatic Approval of Leaves Created by Managers

This release brings a small but very convenient quality-of-life feature – all leaves created by managers for their assigned users are now approved automatically, eliminating the unnecessary step of having to approve them manually upon creation.

Leave Notes from Mobile App

Manual User Selector in Schedule of Colleagues

The My Schedule interface now allows you to view leave schedules of specific colleagues or departments with the help of a handy staff selector.

Manual User Selector in Schedule of Colleagues

Email Notifications on Hire Date Changes

Adding to the existing personal notifications functionality, users are now alerted on any changes to their hire date.

January 2017

Leave Time & Balances Report

With such a variety of leaves that companies track, we realized it’s sometimes hard to see the big picture. The new reporting functionality in actiPLANS makes things much easier! Now you can analyze team’s leave time data and review employees’ leave balances in a single convenient interface: Leave Time & Balances report.


Available in chart and table forms, the report provides managers with detailed and accurate data on the employees’ absences and their resulting leave balances.

To make reporting even more convenient, we have grouped all reports in one location. The Reports tab also gives access to histories of balance changes and taken leaves. Managers can see other users’ historical data; regular users are able to track their own leave time and balance histories.

What’s more, reports can be exported into PDF and CSV format for further processing and analysis.